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When top makeup artist Claire de Monteynard used white eyeliner on our model Connie during “Couture Angel” which Fashionlines shot this past summer in Paris, all of us noticed how ethereal and “angelic” Connie instantly looked.

If you are addicted to dark, vampy “Egyptian eyes” as I had been for the past several seasons, get a white eye pencil (Yves Saint Laurent makes one of the best around), rim your eyes both inside and over and under the lids and watch the magic happen around you. You will look angelic and innocent, and you will create a pure and delicate aura. White eyeliner—why not?
I also thought of Lieutenant Data from Star Trek, that wonderful character with the mask-like face and the white-rimmed eyes. You might think Lieutenant Data is a weird source for inspiration, but a quick check on Google indicated to me that the alien-esque Lieutenant has been inspiring makeup artists for quite a few years.